
The Bible tells us that Jesus and His disciples were at the marriage feast in Cana, Galilee, with His mother, Mary,  when suddenly there was a panic about the wine running out. Acting in wisdom and foreknowledge, she approached the Lord Jesus and simply told Him,  “they are running out of wine”.

You may be taken aback by Jesus’ response to this simple statement or may I say a coded request from His mother – “He said, what do I have to do with you woman. My time is not yet come” – John 2:4.  Obviously,  Mary was in revelation of the Extrordinary Being, her son was and quietly told the servants in attendance – “Whatsoever he saith, do it” – John 2:5.  How DOES THIS SIMPLE STATEMENT MINISTER TO YOU?

To all intent and purposes, the servants may have viewed this as normal everyday orders. However, this was a quiet affirmation of a mother with confidence in her son, to rescue a family wedding feast from a potential embarrassment. I say family because Mary was concerned enough about the wine running out.

Beloved, we saw that the servants’ compliance with doing ‘whatsoever’ Jesus said to them, however ludicrous it sounded, resulted in the first miracle by Jesus, recorded in the Bible   
     – Turning Water into Wine –

There are a lot of times that the ‘wine’ seem to have run dry in many believers’ lives or ministries. The times when you are holding on to Jesus, expectantly waiting for an answer to a supplication: Times when you are looking to be replenished or restorated. You need to to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit but unfortunately, most people miss the ‘opportune time’and have to suffer a momentary lack or a dry patch.

But why does this happen you may want to ask? Could it be because you failed to listen to instructions, or did not carefully read the details of the father’s manual regarding what next step to take? Perhaps we are afraid or maybe too stubborn and stiffnecked to follow guidelines. –

Beloved, God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of love, power AND A SOUND MIND” – 2 Timothy 1:7  – A Sound mind to know and understand when “His Timing Is” – because in God’s timetable, Timing is key.

Mary said, “Whatsoever He saith, do it”.  Oftetimes,  what the Lord is saying in our particular circumstances may not make human logical sense, but HE is GOD and His plan for us, is of good and not of evil – (Jerimiah 29:11 paraphrased).

Beloved, I pray today, that at every stage in our walk with Him, we have the Grace to hear and the courage to do “whatsoever” the LORD is saying in our situation. Perhaps, we need to let go completely and allow God’s Will to be done so that his glory can be seen in us in Jesus Name. Amen.


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