“Then the disciples went away again unto their own home.

But Mary stood without at the sepulchre weeping: and as she wept, she stooped down, and looked into the sepulchre”,  – John 20:10-11

Mary Magdalene was recorded in the Bible as a woman that was loyal, who loved the Jesus passionately and was  radical in her expression of love. She did not care what anybody else was doing, she wanted to do right by the Lord. When you have a conviction about what your faith, there arises in your spirit, a stubborn resolve to OVERCOME against all odds.

When the disciplesarrived at the tomb and found the body of Jesus was no longer in there, they went away. But Mary would not leave until she knew exactly what had  happened to the body that laid in the sepulchre. Verse 11 tells us that she wept for she did not know where they had taken her lord. Her persistence paid off when she stooped to look inside the tomb. There she found the two angels who told her about the Resurrection our Lord Jesus. Mary would not give up on the Lord and guess what, when she stood up from looking down into the tomb, the Lord showed up. She was the first person that Jesus appeared to after He rose from the dead on Resurrection morning.

That is what happens when we find ourselves in situations that defies human interpretations and understanding. We need to dig deep, stoop down to inquire of the mind of God in such matters. Science may not be able to explain it, logic would not cut it and common sense now begins to make nonsense.

When your circumstance fails man’s intervention, that is when the miraculous manifests. God will not share His glory with anyone, when we persevere, God’s timetable kicks in. He never fails to respond to love, trust, faith, hope and diligence. He never fails, He always shows up on time

Beloved, step out of the box and surely, the Master will show up.


2 Thoughts on “Don’t Give Up – Jesus Never Fails

  1. Fortune on July 25, 2014 at 8:39 AM said:

    God bless you for the daily messages it lift’s up my spirit .
    There is a God oh

    • Pastor Joyce on July 26, 2014 at 8:35 AM said:

      Yes indeed, there is God oh!!!. He is the self existing God, the Creator of all things.He is Jehovah YAWEH. There is no God besides HIM. Thanks for connecting, I am encouraged that you have blessed by our daily messages. May the Lord bless you and increase in you daily in Jesus name. Amen. Blessings

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