The Joy Message – Fruit of the Spirit!!!

Joy is one of the Fruit of the Spirit which according to  Apostle Paul in his letter to the Galatians in Chapter 5, he says “against such things there is no law”. In manifesting this fruit of the Spirit joyfully,  you need the Grace of God through Jesus to:

– Stay away from Anger- It brings vexation to the Spirit

– Anger hurts only You! Keeps you Bound, It can  also result in sin if allowed to Fetter.

–  Disagreements will arise, If you are right then there is no need to get angry

– You have nothing to prove

– If you are wrong then you don’t have any right to get angry

– Admit and make amends. Give no room to imaginations.

– Forgive if you feel offended, God requires you to

– He forgave your sins and reconciled to back into relationship with Him.

– Exercise Patience in all Things

–  Patience with family is Love,

–  Patience with others is Respect.

– Patience with self is Confidence

– Patience with GOD is Faith.

– Never Think Hard about wrongs of the PAST, It        brings Tears, Regret and Condemnation

– Don’t worry about the FUTURE, JESUS is in it

– Worry brings Fear – A tool of the Enemy

– Live this Moment with a Smile, It brings Cheer.

–  Every test in our life makes us Bitter or Better

– Every challenge that comes to a man either              makes him or breaks him

– The choice is yours whether you become a    Victim or a Victor.

– Beautiful things are not always good

– Good things are always Beautiful

– All that glitters is not necessarily Gold.

– Do you know why God created gaps between the fingers?

– It is so that Someone who is Special,  comes to you and fills those gaps by holding your hand forever

– That special Someone is JESUS

– Happiness keeps You Sweet..

– But being Sweet brings happiness.

– However, happiness is circumstantial.

– Joy is Eternal, it comes from Within

– Flows like a River of Living Water

– That Living Water is JESUS

– Giving Life to all who wish to drink

– Whoever drinks will never Thirst again.

This is an open Invitation. Come one, Come all. Drink of the Eternal Fountain of the Joy that is Everlasting.



(Adapted for JesusGenerationToday)

(Original Author unknown)






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