“He that observeth the wind shall not sow: and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap” Ecclesiastes 11:4

There is never going to be a “best” time to do what God has purposed for your life, whether it is in ministry or any other sphere of life. Observing the elements and not taking any positve action is a recipe for poverty and stagnation, both in the Spirit and in the world. All you need is the boldness to take the little steps, trusting that God Almighty, who started a good thing is faithful to complete it; as long as your plans are aligned to His will for you.

Do you know that the vision of a multi-national conglomerate starts with the process of birthing that mustard seed of a vision? The important ingredient that drives a vision is your passion to serve the purpose of God. The little steps turn a dream into reality and this actualisation serves as a foundation to build on in the future. Do not despise the days of lowly beginnings.

Many people of God are pregnant with gifts and visions but are either crippled with fear, which is a Stagnation tool of the devil or waiting for the right circumstances to launch out. Remember in the “deep” lies the biggest catch if you dare and whatever challenges you encounter in the process, frames your testimony on the Victory podium. Stay in the vision and step out for God to MAGNIFY HIMSELF.

Jesus said unto Simon, “Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net” – Luke 5:4-5.

So dear brethren, it is neither he that willeth nor he that runneth, but it is of the Lord that has Mercy. Reliance on God and not our understanding or wisdom requires deep conviction that He able to translate our inabilities into abilities in Christ Jesus.

Be encouraged that are not the source, God is, and with Him nothing shall be impossible.



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