
The miracle of God’s Divine Love is a MYSTERY unexplainable and is unparalleled. How does one so love another, that he sacrifices Himself to save them? It can only be God.

This is the GREATEST LOVE STORY EVER TOLD and it must be true otherwise it would not have lasted this long.  If the crucifixion of Jesus did not have an Infinity purpose, it would not be commemorative and celebrated today, over 2000 years on and counting. It is for our sakes that Jesus as the WORD of God was made flesh, that HE may die the painful death on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins. The bible tells us that he took upon himself the iniquity of man and he that was sinless became SIN for the purpose taking our place in death – (The wages of sin). His death and Resurrection thus enabled Him to present us pure, acceptable and justified to bring about full reconciliation with the FATHER, sanctified unto Eternal life in RESURRECTION

I love this analogy from an unknown author describing his perspective of what Jesus did on the Cross of Calvery for humanity. I must say this Author was truly inspired – “Try and visualise a convicted criminal in a Court of Law. “The Judge sentenced the the criminal  to death by hanging. However, just when the executor was about to enforce the judgment order, someone else decided to step forward and offered to take the place of this convicted man; to be killed in this cruel manner, just because he loved him”.

That man who offered to die in the place of the common criminal, is JESUS – Alive today and forever. He could not bear to see the GOOD work of God’s Creation in THE LIKENESS OF HIS IMAGE, get destroyed through the FOOLISH ACT OF DISOBEDIENCE of Adam; who believed the lie of the devil in the garden of Eden. Jesus saw the pain of the Father, in the separation by sin from man. Through this despicable lack of wisdom to choose right by Adam, man died in the spirit. This is the death acquiesced by every human at birth, from which you must be ‘born again’ and be Resurrected. Displaying a show of selfless love, Jesus offered to be the Bridge through which man may return to God. 1 John 4:10 says “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins”.

Jesus was the Lamb slayed before the foundation of the world and He is the Fulfilment of the Passover. By the BLOOD of His sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary, the PERFECT EXCHANGE WAS MADE. Man was made good again and by that Precious Blood, Death is exchanged for Life, Sorrow for Joy, Sickness for Wholesomeness, Hatred for Love, Failure for Success, Captivity for Freedom, Sin for Forgiveness, Separation for Relationship with God and Hell for Heaven Eternally.

Dearly beloved, Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life. He says – “I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death” – Revelation 1:18

If you are reading this and you are not living in the Resurrection God has made available, this is the time to accept the Love of Christ that is reaching out to you today. Jesus paid the full price for sin, purchased your soul with His Precious BLOOD, so that you may receive it FREELY by Grace through Faith.

It is the Greatest Love Story ever told. JESUS IS THE LOVE OF GOD REVEALED. GOD is LOVE, He LOVES UNCONDITIONALLY. His Love for man predates Creation itself. His Love is ETERNAL.



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